Subject: Music
Grade Level(s): 11-12
Topic: Development
of Music
Title of Lesson: Music and the Movie
Focus Q: What is the role/importance of Music in Movies?
Description: Students will use prior
knowledge to correctly match the video clip to
the corresponding sound track. Analyzing and evaluating the importance
of emotional response to music.
Lesson Length: 45 minutes
Music and the Movie
Goals |
Objectives |
National Standards addressed |
3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments. 4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines. 6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music. 7. Evaluating music and music performances. 8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts. 9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture. |
Prior Knowledge needed |
Brass =
Loud = Angry or Aggression -
= Soft = Calm or serene -
EtcÉ O Fortuna from Carmina Burana, by Carl Orff
Dies Irae from VerdiÕs Requiem
Ride of the Valkyries from Die WalkŸre, by Wagner
Peer Gynt Suite No.1, 'Morning', by Grieg
Tchaikovsky -Dance Of The Sugarplum Fairy
Williams – Cantina Band Stars and Stripes Forever - John Philip Sousa
Materials/Resources |
Mp3 and audio clips Visual Clips Computer and
projector Journal Notebook |
Procedures |
ø Introduction
(Hook) |
Begin with 2001 Space Odyssey, play the clip and without sound having the students watch. Then begin the clip again with audio and have them describe what they hear and the emotions they connect too. Brass sounds loud and triumphant, possibly powerfulÉ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-QFj59PON4 |
ø Instruction
(Procedure) |
the clip
number and the song title -
why they picked the song -
parts match up -
and the emotional response it creates for them
ø Activities |
The students will
watch muted video clips, while watching the clips they will listen to an
audio clip that may or may not match the clip being shown. Once they determine
rather the video clip matches the audio clip they will write down what song
they would have chosen to best represent the video being played. Then we will discuss
and explore the choices people made. They must be able to support their
answer. |
ø Closure |
We will review the
importance of music in movies. Students will then pick an appropriate theatrical
scene from their favorite movies and discuss how the music being played
affects the scene. |
Design |
Instruction Considerations Multiple means of Representation/ Expression Engagement |
- Multimedia: Video and Audio - Journal writing of reasoning for music selections - Student interaction and discussion |
Considerations |
Students with disabilities can identify how the video and the music
makes them feel, by identifying it to an emotion. Those with hearing or visual difficulties can be address on a case by
case basis. [one on one help] |
Opportunities |
Those who find the activity not challenging can think of other
classical songs not listed, which would be appropriate for the video clip
being shown. Or come up with their own scenes that would match the song list. |
Assessment |
Formative Assessment
- Are the students making connections? - Are they actively participating? - Are they asking questions and
questioning why? - Do they give good reasoning |
Summative Assessment
Teacher will collect Journal entries and review them looking for if the students addressed: -
the clip
number and the song title -
why they picked the song -
parts they believed match up -
and the emotional response it creates for them -
between their song choice and the clip
Review/Reflection Lesson/Teaching
Evaluation (to think about during the lesson and record after teaching) |
Overview –
What occurred compared to the plan? |
Analysis – How
well was the lesson planned? |
Reflection –
What did you learn? |
What would you do
differently? |